Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lessons Learned in Europe

1. Always have change to pay for bathrooms (pay to pee is all over Europe)
2. Always have comfortable shoes.
3. Europeans have not learned that smoking will kill them.  No such thing as a non-smoking section.  Even non-smoking hotels allow them to stand and smoke at the front door.
4. Bring you own washcloth, they are not provided in Europe.
5. Ask first if the person you are asking directions from speaks English... saves time.
6. Polish beer is the best.
7. Austrians do not know what a queue is and do not know how to load an airplane.
8. Older Europeans do not necessarily speak English, most young ones do.
9. Try to learn please and thank you in their language, for the best first impressions.
10. Most city transportation is easy to understand.  Even if you do not speak the language, just find the direction you wish to go and hop on.
11. Never miss a local European Bakery.
12. Get food (snacks ) and water in a supermarket, you will pay half the price.

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